Addendum to Consider 2026 Management Measures | Atlantic Striped Bass
The Commission’s Atlantic Striped Bass Management Board has initiated Draft Addendum III to consider recreational and commercial management measures for 2026 to support rebuilding the stock by 2029. Options will consider a range of reductions for the recreational and...

DEC Releases 2024 Striped Bass Young-of-Year Survey Results
Second Consecutive Year of Poor Juvenile Production in the Hudson River The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) today announced the 2024 Hudson River striped bass young-of-year survey results for 2024 depict a second consecutive year of poor...
CCANH Striped Bass Emergency Action Planning, New Hampshire
An Invitation to Striped Bass Stakeholders: The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission is holding a Striped Bass Board meeting on December 16th to consider emergency action for Striped Bass management. This is in response to the result of the 2024 Stock...

Atlantic Striped Bass Stock Assessment Update
Press Release: Resource Remains Overfishedwith a Less Than 50% Chance of Rebuilding by 2029 Board to Meet in December to Consider Changing Measures for 2025 to Increase Probability of Rebuilding the Stock Annapolis, MD – The Commission’s Atlantic Striped Bass...

Evaluating the conservation benefit of circle hooks for the Atlantic Striped Bass recreational fishery – American Fisheries Society
"The Striped Bass Morone saxatilis is one of the most sought-after recreational fish species along the US Atlantic coast. Regulations and a strong conservation ethic among anglers make Striped Bass among the most frequently released coastal marine fishes. A recent...

News – Striped Bass Collaborator Summary – NH Sea Grant
In 2018, funding provided through New Hampshire Sea Grant and collaboration with fishers like you, allowed us to conduct the most extensive study on migratory striped bass to date. The first objective was to develop a panel of genetic markers that would provide the...

News – Gulf of Maine Proposed Sale Notice | BOEM
“On April 30, 2024, the Interior Department announced its proposal for a first offshore wind energy auction in the Gulf of Maine. The proposed sale would include eight lease areas offshore Maine, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire, totaling nearly 1 million acres, which have the potential to generate approximately 15 GW of clean, renewable energy and power over 5 million homes.”

Striped Bass: Lessons from the Last Stock Collapse Could Help Prevent the Next One
"When the Chesapeake Bay striped bass stock collapsed in the late 1970s, people tried to figure out why. Recreational fishermen were quick to point fingers at the commercial sector, which was not yet burdened by significant regulation. There were no gear restrictions...

The Nature Conservancy Shellabration Partnership with CCA
Read More from The Nature Conservancy about the CCA Oyster Recycling Program Partnership: